Ontario-Quebec High Speed Rail Study Delayed April 13,2010...High Speed Rail Canada has discovered that The Governments of Québec, Ontario and Canada feasibility study for high–speed rail (HSR) in the Québec City–Windsor corridor completion has been delayed. High Speed Rail Canada, http://highspeedrail.ca is a citizen's national advocacy group dedicated to the education on, and the implementation of, high speed trains in Canada. The high speed rail feasibility study is being done to update the previous 1995 study on the Ontario-Quebec corridor. EcoTrain Consortium composed of the firms Dessau, MMM Group (formerly Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited), KPMG, Wilbur Smith & Associates and Deutsche Bahn International (DB International) were awarded the $3 million contract in February 2009. The study was to be completed by now but an investigation by High Speed Rail Canada has revealed that the study is not completed. According to Bob Nichols, Communications Branch, Ontario Ministry o...
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